And it’s back to normal now

I woke up this morning half-expecting a text message from Grog and Crit asking if I was dressed and awake so they could come over. Funny how you can get used to a totally different routine in just a short time, huh?

Last night, once we were all back, we discovered something. Two people decided to transfer away from our realm after we finished gearing them up for Ulduar. Well, those two little pricks are going to be in for it. Bad enough they did that without at least saying “guys, we’re going to transfer to a new realm” but when one of our officers created an alt to ask them why they had gone without even saying goodbye, they put him on /ignore.

So, if any Horde guild members on the realm Magtheridon are readers: Callmecamel and Amoai screwed us over. We gear them up and they transfer off Quel’Thalas. I wouldn’t take them into any serious raiding guild if I were you. If they’ll do it to us and they’ve been in our guild since TBC and we’ve put up with their crap, their overall unreliability, their random vanishings for months on end, etc: they’ll screw you just as hard. And, Camel and Amoai: if you’re reading this, don’t bother to come back. You’re on our little black list and I don’t care if you go out and win the Nobel Peace Prize tomorrow; you’re not coming back to our guild and we’ll warn any guild that does take you in about this little stunt you just pulled. Your buddy Artimize may be in for it if he were part of this (he’s about to have some serious explaining to do).

Yay for guild drama. 🙁

At any rate, I’m still hurting from that last rollercoaster on Thursday. I think I’ll probably take it easy today, try to get some writing done, and just not do anything that requires use of my back. No heavy lifting for me today. I need to try to get relaxed so I won’t be going to work in agony tomorrow.