Thorim Down!

It took all night and we got frustrated and irritated several times, but we finally managed to pull Thorim down. I must say that the gauntlet is the hardest part of that fight. The arena group stumbled on to an easy way to keep their end under control early in the evening but those of us in the hallway were struggling to figure out the knack there up until the last attempt when we got him.

That makes us 9/14 in Ulduar so far. Tomorrow we’ll try Freya and, if we can get her down without too much hassle, we’ll go back and pull Hodir down again. I’m really hoping we can get her down because it’d be nice to take a crack at Mimiron soon. I think that we’ll have Ulduar cleared in a few more weeks if we can just buckle down and learn the fights a bit better.

Also, this weekend will be the last weekend we do the Naxx 25 PuGs. I’m just getting so worn out from all the raiding and raid leading I’ve been doing and, with not a weekend going by without some form of loot drama, it’s turned me off doing them. We’ll go to doing Sarth +X and Maly on Saturday afternoons instead, I think. Much less loot drama there. And, I’m still leaning against doing Ulduar 25 in a PuG. My current condition is that we have every Stormcrow healer in there to make any arguments over that blasted legendary moot. Even then, I’m still really unsure about it because it’s not like Naxx where we can afford to have a few undergeared people in the run.

Ah well. I’ll worry about it later.