WTB Weekend and New Feet

Holy Shit It’s Only Wednesday. Thank God it’s almost over. That means that tomorrow is Thursday and I’m taking Friday off work so yay! Only a few more days until I can rest and not have to work an insane schedule.

Also, I. hate. my. feet. My right foot in particular. Of all the things I could have inherited from my father, I got his damned feet. Not his height. Not his strength. Not his ability to fix anything at all. Nope. I got the dried-skin-on-the-feet that itches like mad. I’ve been putting ointment on it to try to keep from going insane but Christ, it’s gotten REALLY annoying.

At least I’m not running the PuGs anymore. That means that Saturday I can relax all afternoon, get caught up on stuff, and maybe even find something more effective for this godawful itching on my ankle.