Twilight of Lanar’ya is now on sale in paperback (CreateSpace and Amazon) and eBook (Smashwords and Amazon).

Yeah, remember when I said I was going to have to start writing Midnight of Lanar’ya all over again?

I lied. Or rather, I was mistaken. I let the draft sit for a week while my mind wandered on to other things — namely trying to create a 14-character runic alphabet where the last seven symbols are mirrors of the first seven — and, lo and behold, I figured out the problem in the draft. I also figured out that the easiest way to fix the problem is not to start over but to finish the blasted thing already and then hammer out a few things in revision.

You people have no idea how happy this makes me. Really, you don’t. Having this realization hit you is like having great sex while being buzzed and finding out that your proposal for a city on Luna has not only been approved but has been built and NASA wants to fly you there for the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

…don’t judge me.

So, I’m back on track with Midnight of Lanar’ya and no longer wanting to beat my head against the wall over it. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some writing to get done!

Special props should probably go out to Eric Calderone whose rendition of “Back to the Future Meets Metal” was playing in the background and triggered the neuron firing that eventually led to the realization that I don’t have to start the draft over again from scratch. Thanks man. You’re awesome. Love the Mr. Trololo tribute.

Twilight of Lanar’ya is now on sale in paperback (CreateSpace and Amazon) and eBook (Smashwords and Amazon).

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