About Me

I am G. K. Masterson and I grew up in Mississippi. Yes, Mississippi. And before you start on with whether or not I’m impressed by all this electricity and amazement that I am literate, let me just say a few things: William Faulkner, Tennessee Williams, Eudora Welty, and John freaking Grisham. The defense rests.


I have been writing since I could hold a pencil but really only began working on novels within the last few years. I write primarily for my own enjoyment but I wouldn’t mind making a little money off the endeavor either. I work mostly in swords’n’sorcery style fantasy but am planning two general fiction novels (one urban fantasy, one general to be specific) as well as a sci-fi series.


If you’re interested in finding out more about my novels, I invite you to click on any of the titles in the scroll-over menu above. I am currently outlining the third book of the Fall of the Lanarian Empire series and am working on another project called The Penitent.


If you’d like to drop me a line, I can be found on Facebook, Twitter, G+, or FanFiction.net.


Facebook – G.K. Masterson
FanFiction.net – G.K. Masterson
Twitter – @GKMasterson

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