I’ve just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW RP forum. This week’s update takes the characters through the Al’Akir encounter and finishes out the Uldum arc.
I did not get any work done on Alayne’s Story this week due to injuring my back over the previous weekend. However, I will be finishing it up within the next couple of weeks, giving myself more time to work on Midnight of Lanar’ya.
I’ve just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW RP forum. This week’s update takes the characters through the rest of Vortex Pinnacle and through the Council of Winds encounter in the Throne of the Four Winds.
I’ve also just finished up the Dragon Soul section of the Hour of Twilight arc and am working on the wind-down for the Epilogue. Now that the finish line is in sight, I’m feeling a little melancholic about Alayne’s Story. Still, I know it’s time to end it for now and focus on my other writing. I’ve just published my first novel (more info at my author blog) and I’m nearly finished with draft one of the second book, Midnight of Lanar’ya. So, I’ll have plenty of writing projects to occupy me but Alayne’s Story will always have a very special place in my heart as being my first publicly-viewed long work.
I’ve just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW RP forum. This week’s update takes the characters through the Vortex Pinnacle encounters on their way to face off against Al’Akir.
I’m currently writing up the last encounter in Dragon Soul and should be starting on the final chapters soon. Then comes the Epilogue to round it out.
I’m hearing more about the storyline for Pandaria and may actually buy it (still very undecided) but I am not going to take my characters through it in Alayne’s Story. I’ve decided that it’s for the best that the story end here for a time.
I’ve just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW RP forum. This week’s update takes the characters the rest of the way through the Halls of Origination and puts us about half-way through the Uldum arc.
I’m down to the last few encounters in Dragon Soul and should have the writing done in a few weeks. Also, if you didn’t see it below, I have just published my first novel. I’m ridiculously proud of that. I’ll probably be saying “OMG. I’m on Amazon!” for the rest of the day. Everyone around me is going to know that I finally got my novel published. I hope I don’t annoy too many people with the continual awestruck realizations…
After so many years of writing things that would have been awesome had they only seen the light of day (other writers will know what I mean), it is with great pride and excitement that I announce that Twilight of Lanar’ya is now on sale at CreateSpace and Amazon.com in paperback or at Smashwords in eBook format! It will be available in the Amazon Kindle store within the next 24 hours.
If you are ordering the paperback edition, I do prefer that you go through CreateSpace for that as I do get a larger royalty payment from them than from Amazon. Also, the reason for the $10 price on the paperback is that the manufacturing costs came up to $8.00 USD. Otherwise, it would be selling for $5.00 USD if I could swing it.
I will post about the various adventures I’ve had actually getting this thing published later. For now, I’m going to go celebrate!
Thanks to everyone who has stood by me while I got this thing written and published. Thanks to my parents, my illustrators, Keary and John-Paul, to my beta readers, and to all my friends out there. I did it guys. I finally did it.
At long last, I have finally completed the final checks on the proof for Twilight of Lanar’ya. This is the cover, done by the awesome Keary Taylor, and a little promotional video that has the release date in it.
Unless catastrophe strikes, you will be able to purchase Twilight of Lanar’ya from Amazon.com for the Kindle or in paperback format on March 23, 2012.
I will be announcing the final price later this coming week so check back for more news then! Also, more news about Midnight of Lanar’ya in the coming weeks!
Be sure to bookmark G.K. Masterson.com for the latest news from the Lanarian Empire.
I’ve just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW RP forum. This week’s update takes the characters through the beginning of the Halls of Origination part of the Uldum arc.
I’m about halfway done with the final arc and should wrap up the writing on Alayne’s Story in another month at the most. I’m also going to be announcing the release date for Twilight of Lanar’ya over on my author website a little later today.
I’ve just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW RP forum. This week’s update starts off the Halls of Origination part of the Uldum arc.
I’ve fallen really behind on working on Alayne’s Story the past couple of weeks. Tomorrow, I’m going to sit down and do a marathon session on it and try to get caught back up. Twilight of Lanar’ya will also be having its announced release date soon (another thing that’s been distracting me).
I’ve just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW RP forum. This week’s update continues the Uldum interlude arc.
I’ve currently got several of the Dragon Soul encounters done. I’m getting settled in my new location and getting ready to start my new job on Monday. So, for now, back to work!
I’ve just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW RP forum. This week’s update starts the Uldum arc. The Uldum arc is the last interlude before the Hour of Twilight arc that will finish out Part IV.
Next week’s update may be late since I will be moving to another part of the country and may not have Internet set up for a few days.