Another Chapter of Risen Ash Up!

Another Chapter of Risen Ash Up!

So, those of you who like a good zombie apocalypse fic, there’s a new chapter of Risen Ash up for your perusal. We meet some new people in this chapter and plans get made to go to the CDC. We also find out exactly how long Josiah was out of commission and a bit more about how the world has unraveled in that time frame. Now, go, get your read on!

And, remember, if you’re loving these stories and want to support my writing habit, you can do so via PayPal or Patreon!

— G.K.

New Story Up: In the Shadow of Yggdrasil

New Story Up: In the Shadow of Yggdrasil

I’ve been working on this one for a while — it’s one of my secret back-burner projects. I’m ridiculously proud of how it’s turning out. So, for your reading pleasure, check out the first chapter of In the Shadow of Yggdrasil!

I am a mythology nut and, yes, when I was in elementary school, I checked out Bulfinch’s Mythology every week and Hamilton’s Mythology whenever I could. I did raid the mythology section of the county library and I even did a puppet-play where I retold the story of Perseus and Medusa. I’m also an Avengers fan (though this is *not* a fanfic) and decided that if Stan Lee and Marvel could re-imagine the Nordic myths and legends, well, so could I.

As always, feedback is very muchly loved, thanks!

— G.K.

Chapter Two of The Search for the Seven Scepters Live!

Chapter Two of The Search for the Seven Scepters Live!

So, the second chapter of The Search for the Seven Scepters is up. We get to meet Sokan’s brother in this chapter and learn a little bit more about their pasts as well as get some insight into the world from a non-bards-eye view (see what I did there?) Also, for those of you who love to hate my cliff-hangers, there’s another one for you to enjoy here!

What are you still doing reading this post? Go on, get to the story!

Goeth and readeth now

— G.K.

The Masterminds: Chapter Two Is Up!

The Masterminds: Chapter Two Is Up!

Okay, for all of you detective serial fans, Chapter Two of the Masterminds is up and waiting for your perusal. In this chapter, we learn a little bit more about the Patterson case and we meet the mysterious Alex referenced in Chapter One. We also get to see a little bit more about how this unusual team thinks and works as well as getting a bit more of an insight into the dynamics at play.

I meant to post this Monday but that didn’t work out so well so here it is. As always, I love feedback so feel free to leave some. 🙂

Go, get your read on!

— G.K.

Updates Galore!

Updates Galore!

The latest chapters for Risen Ash, The Masterminds, and The Search for the Seven Scepters have all been posted. I’m working hard on all of these serials and will be adding chapters fairly frequently. If you enjoy them, consider backing me on Patreon. And, to those of you who have asked, I am setting up a PayPal subscription option for people who would rather pay a once-monthly flat rate for various levels of access. However, PayPal has been giving me nightmares over the weekend so I’m waiting on them to fix whatever is messed up in their system.

And now, I have to run! I’ve got meetings to go to, yo.

— G.K.

Stolen Lives Now Available!

Stolen Lives Now Available!

I’ve just released my latest novel, Stolen Lives. This novel is an indie work and is now available on Amazon and through Smashwords. As I hear back from other retailers about availability there, I’ll update the book’s page. If you do get a copy from one place and give me a review, then I’ll contact you with coupon codes for other retailers who only allow “confirmed purchasers” to post reviews on their sites if you’ll copy your review around for me.


Stolen Lives started out as my 2013 NaNoWriMo project and morphed into something even bigger than I thought. But now, it’s out and I’m eager to see what the rest of the world thinks about it. For now, I’ll leave you with this quick blurb to whet your appetite.


What would you do if you woke up to find your entire past missing with only your name and a few vague hints to tell you who you are? Would you try to regain what was lost or would you try to start over? How would you handle having your very life stolen from you?


Who are you, really? Who would you be if your memories, your identity, and your life were taken away from you, leaving you a bare, blank slate?


Matt Tyler no longer remembers who he was. His life prior to waking up at the Farm might well have never been lived. Was he married? Did he have children? And what of these strange dreams he has? Gwen Marshall no longer recalls her life but she knows that something is missing. She struggles to regain her memories and her identity, determined to fight her way free of the haze — even if it kills her. Together, Matt and Gwen make their way through this strange, new world, following their dreams and the vague hints that offer tantalizing glimpses of who they were and who they might become…


“A fundamental thesis on free will. Very, very well done.” Denis Fitzpatrick, This Mirror in Me.


Now, I just need to get started cracking on The Penitent and Dawn of the Destroyer whilst trying to get the treatment for Realpolitick going. After that, it’ll be A Man’s Life followed by either a Lanarian Empire prequel series, the Runebearer series, or the Remnant and the Revenants series. Oh, not to mention the short stories I’m cranking out in the background!


— G.K.

Quick Call Out For Betas!

Quick Call Out For Betas!

It is done.


It has been an emotional roller coaster with the characters throwing me for a few loops here and there but it is done. It is done, I am exhausted but sated. Just one last editorial pass and Stolen Lives will be ready for beta-reading which is where you, my friends, come in.


Weighing in at 70,380 words and 276 pages in Microsoft Word, Stolen Lives is more than a short story and less than a novel. Set in the near future where medical advances have made the impossible “possible” and have brought out some dangers unforeseen, Stolen Lives takes you through the eyes of those who have lost everything — their lives, their memories, and their very selves. Read as they struggle to reclaim that which once they took for granted — their very identities.


If you are interested in beta-reading this and providing me with feedback to correct errors, fact-checks, grammar problems, plot holes, pacing issues, etc, then just post “I’m in!” in the comments below followed by your email address. I will edit out your email address when I approve your comment.


Interested? Well, get cracking then, would you?!


— G.K. Masterson

Twilight of Lanar’ya Out November 4!

Twilight of Lanar'ya Out November 4!

Yesterday, my new publisher Rooster and Pig let me know that they’ve set a release date for Twilight of Lanar’ya. It will be out for sale again with a new cover and less typos on November 4. I’m really excited about this and loving the new cover by the super-talented Lex Valentine. So, if you’d like to get your hands on a copy, I’ll be posting the information about where you can get it here on November 4.



Tell me that isn’t awesome looking.


And, in other news, I’m close to finished with the first draft of Midnight of Lanar’ya. I’m hoping to get it wrapped up before the end of October so that I can focus on one of my back-burner projects for NaNoWriMo. I’ve already outlined the third book in my Lanarian Empire trilogy and will probably get cracking on it in December or January — once I’m done with the edits and revisions on Midnight. It’s not a good idea to try to write a follow-up book while you’re still working through revisions of its prequel. Too easy to give into temptation and move scenes around and all that.


I’m also, as always, looking for a better job. I’m going to break down and take the LPI 1 exam in the next few weeks to get that certification and open my horizons up to a broader array of jobs in hopes that I can at least get somewhere better than where I am where the hours don’t leave me so drained and worn down.


Well, for now, I’m going to go get some more rest. My room-mate brought home Con Plague and I caught it. Once I’m back on my feet tomorrow, it’ll be back to the grindstone on Midnight of Lanar’ya.


— G.K.

That Escalated Quickly…

That Escalated Quickly...

I said I was going to post here more often and then got busy.

But busy in a good way, I suppose. I’ve been working on Midnight of Lanar’ya and a new project I’m calling The Chameleon. I’ve also managed to get over my Doctor Who addiction (somewhat) and found more energy to write and edit. As a matter of fact, I’m editing some stories for people over at

And I’ve been sharing my headspace with a migraine for a week now. Funny how quickly you learn you don’t really need to eat. Or move. Or do much of anything except consider performing head-surgery on yourself. I don’t know if I’m just getting older or if my pain tolerance is building up beyond all human expectations but I’ve seriously been wondering just how many blood vessels I need in my head and whether or not I could survive ripping them out. With a spoon. Because that would be less painful.

All kidding aside, things are actually looking up for me and will be perfect once I can get rid of this damned headache. Can we tell that I’m in the hyper-stage of the aura phase? It’s like being manic depressive only with more physical pain and less mood swings.

Going to go back to writing for now. At least when I’m lost in a story, I can ignore my head trying to compact my skull. And yeah, I’m seriously going to post here more. I’ll probably be putting a call out for beta-readers with strong stomachs in a few weeks.

Getting Back to Basics

Getting Back to Basics

It’s been ages since I’ve posted an update. I know, I’m horrible. I wish I could say I’d spent a lot of time working on Midnight of Lanar’ya but the truth is I haven’t. Things with my job have been hectic and most evenings, by the time I get home, I just veg out playing video games or watching movies or TV shows (Doctor Who being my current favorite).

However, over the past few weeks, Midnight of Lanar’ya has been demanding my attention again. So, I’ve started getting my notes organized (nearly a year between writing will make you need your notes) and I’m going back through Twilight of Lanar’ya to make certain everything is up-to-date on my notes. I’m hoping to get cracking on this novel again within the next few weeks.

I am also looking for a job that won’t drain me as much as the one I have does. Don’t get me wrong; I work hard and give my all to this job. It’s just that the hours and the environment are not really conducive to me having the energy I need to keep writing in the evenings. On top of that, my sleep apnea has been really acting up meaning I’m almost in a hypnotic state most of the time.

I’ve made a pact with myself to try to post an update here at least a couple of times a week. I’m also going to link to more author sites and try to get to know some other indie fantasy/sci-fi writers to see if they have any advice for balancing a full-time job and a writing schedule.

But, for now, I’m going to get cracking on my notes.