It’s been ages since I’ve posted an update. I know, I’m horrible. I wish I could say I’d spent a lot of time working on Midnight of Lanar’ya but the truth is I haven’t. Things with my job have been hectic and most evenings, by the time I get home, I just veg out playing video games or watching movies or TV shows (Doctor Who being my current favorite).
However, over the past few weeks, Midnight of Lanar’ya has been demanding my attention again. So, I’ve started getting my notes organized (nearly a year between writing will make you need your notes) and I’m going back through Twilight of Lanar’ya to make certain everything is up-to-date on my notes. I’m hoping to get cracking on this novel again within the next few weeks.
I am also looking for a job that won’t drain me as much as the one I have does. Don’t get me wrong; I work hard and give my all to this job. It’s just that the hours and the environment are not really conducive to me having the energy I need to keep writing in the evenings. On top of that, my sleep apnea has been really acting up meaning I’m almost in a hypnotic state most of the time.
I’ve made a pact with myself to try to post an update here at least a couple of times a week. I’m also going to link to more author sites and try to get to know some other indie fantasy/sci-fi writers to see if they have any advice for balancing a full-time job and a writing schedule.
But, for now, I’m going to get cracking on my notes.
I know, I don’t post here as often as I should. Work on Midnight of Lanar’ya continues apace. I’m working on the second draft and can no longer really give an accurate estimate of where I am in it. There’s so much rewriting that needs to be done it’s not funny. On top of that, my job is slowly sucking my energy dry. I hadn’t realized just how difficult the 10 – 7 shift would be on me but after nine months, I’m realizing it that it’s not something I’ll be able to keep up for years on end.
I am looking for a different job that would give me better hours. I’m also considering putting into practice something that Bill Whittle (one of my heroes) suggested. However, for now, I’m stuck suffering through the hours at work because this is not an economy in which one can afford to quit their job. And, honestly, I believe it’s only going to get worse. Considering that I had to study statistics and records as part of getting my history degree, I’ve known that the media in the US was lying their assess off for years. “Official” unemployment is at 8%. However, they changed how it was calculated after the 2008 elections. If you go by the older methodology, unemployment in the US is at around 15%. The stock market, NASDAQ, Standard and Poor’s, and the Dow are all going down because Congress is too busy playing games to, you know, actually fix the crap they broke back in the 1970s.
So, I’m not too optimistic on finding a new job. I do try to be hopeful but, in the end, I’ve a feeling that things are going to get much, much worse before they start getting better.
If they start getting better.
Final Update Posted
I’ve just posted the final update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW RP forum. This week marks the last entry to Alayne’s Story and finishes the story.
Will I ever pick it back up again? I doubt it. It’s possible. If Blizzard releases an expansion worth the effort, I might. But, it’s really doubtful. Alayne’s Story is winding down. The characters have spent years fighting for peace. Now it is time for them to enjoy that peace.
And now, it’s November. That’s National Novel Writers Month. So I’d best get back to work. 🙂
Life’s Been Busy
Right, I’ve not updated here since July. It’s now November. No, I’m not shrugging off the novel. I’ve finished the first draft and am going through making a lot of revisions and getting the second draft going. However, the hours I have at work are somewhat crazy so I don’t have a lot of time or energy in the evenings to do much work. I usually wind up playing World of Warcraft or Star Wars in the evenings just to unwind a bit before going to bed.
However, I am going to try to finish the second draft this month and spend the next couple of months polishing it and getting it ready for release next spring. Then it will be time to start working on the third and final book in this series before moving on to other writing projects.
So, that’s where we stand for now. I will try to get back here and do regular updates more in the future. But no promises. The more time I spend here, the less time I’m spending writing.
Latest Update Posted
I’ve just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW RP forum. This week’s update introduces the destruction of Theramore and the Disorder of Azeroth’s somewhat unconventional manner of dealing with Garrosh’s growing tyranny.
I think that next week’s update will be the last update. I’ve been spending my time working on other projects as well as leveling my US characters up to 90. And now, I need to get back to all of that!
Latest Update Posted
I’ve just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW RP forums. This week’s update introduces the newest member to the “family” and begins the Epilogue. I should have the rest posted next week, schedule permitting.
For now, back to work!
Latest Update Posted
I’ve just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW RP forum. This week’s update takes the characters through the rest of Zul’Aman and prepares the way for a new addition to the family.
Keep an eye on this space because I have a couple of major announcements coming up in the next few weeks. For now, back to work!
Latest Update Posted
I’ve just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW RP forums. This week’s update takes the characters into Zul’Aman.
Yeah, you didn’t really think it would end with the end of Dragon Soul, did you? 😉
I’ve been working on various things in the background and should have some new announcements for everyone in the next few months. For now, I need to get back to my other projects so off I go!
Latest Update Posted
I’ve just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story. This week’s update covers the very last fight in Dragon Soul: the Madness of Deathwing.
My old computer finally went kaput so I’ve not been able to get much writing done. It got to the point of where if I had my word processor running and tried to do ANYTHING else, the computer would crash. If I had my browser open and even THOUGHT about going to YouTube (or loading a page with a video in it), the computer would crash. If I tried to run World of Warcraft, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Dragon Age, etc: crash. And I don’t mean the programs would crash. I mean the computer would blue screen and go into a boot and reboot cycle.
The culprits were a mixture of not enough of a cooling system and the video card being temperamental. I’d been planning to get a new computer (I had just hoped to not have to trash the old one completely) and it got here yesterday. It’s easily the most awesome computer I’ve ever owned.
But now, back to work! Midnight of Lanar’ya ain’t going to write itself!
Latest Update Posted
I’ve just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW RP forum. This week’s update takes the characters through the Spine of Deathwing encounter. Next week, we’ll be finishing out Dragon Soul and getting ready to wrap up the story entirely.
Some of you have emailed me asking why there have been weeks between updates. It’s because my computer is on the fritz. It’s crashing a lot. I suspect the video card mostly but I can’t prove it. It never acts up when I’m monitoring it. Don’t worry, I’ve gotten a new computer ordered and it should be here within the next couple of weeks.
And now, back to working on Midnight of Lanar’ya!