Latest Update Posted

Latest Update Posted

I’ve just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story on the WoW RP forum. This week’s update takes the characters through the Ultraxion and Blackhorn encounters in Dragon Soul.

Some of you have emailed me to ask if I plan to revise Part IV and to make the whole thing available on various ebook sites. I am considering it. If I do, it will have to be for free because I really do not want Blizzard’s legal department coming after me. I will probably ask a friend of mine to do some covers and a few illustrations for the books if I do decide to go that direction.

For now, I have work to be about so I’d best get back to it. 🙂

Real Life Blows Sometimes

Real Life Blows Sometimes

I’ve not forgotten about this place and I’ve not forgotten about my novel. I’ve been working on it and just have gotten so busy with other things that I’ve not found time to update this site.

Quick overview: Midnight of Lanar’ya is nearing completion of the first draft. I will be releasing a new edition of Twilight of Lanar’ya to correct a few formatting errors and typos that some of you have spotted (and thanks for those!) I imagine that there will probably be up to three revisions of Midnight of Lanar’ya before I publish it. I’m also planning to do a few things different with releasing it to take care of some of the problems I had with the release of Twilight of Lanar’ya.

And now, I’m going to get back to work on writing. The more time I spend on that, the sooner you’ll have the book in hand.

Latest Update Posted

Latest Update Posted

I’ve just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW RP forum. Today’s update wraps up the Yorshaj and Hagara encounters in the Dragon Soul raid dungeon.

Life has gotten almost back to normal for me now. I’m working my way through Midnight of Lanar’ya and, once it’s published (I’m tentatively eyeing a Q4 2012 release) and the next book is underway, I’ll have more free time to dedicate to my next major undertaking. As always, keep an eye on my author site for the latest news there.

For now, I’m going to play a little WoW on my US account and then get some more math homework done before settling in for a long writing session. I’m going to have my vision checked tomorrow and get some glasses so that I’m not frickin’ blind by 11 pm anymore.

Latest Update Posted

Latest Update Posted

I’ve just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW RP forum. Today’s update (there will be two this week) takes the characters through the first two encounters in the Dragon Soul raid dungeon.

Life has been absolutely insane for me lately. Added together with the fact that I’m 1) teaching myself higher mathematics because I’ve half-decided to pursue a degree in Physics in my spare time, 2) I’m working on Midnight of Lanar’ya, 3) my eyesight is getting worse (appointment for glasses this Friday!) so that, after about 10:30 pm, I’m functionally blind, and 4) I’ve been forced to deal with irrational, overly-emotional crazy women last week and it’s probably down to sheer luck and laziness that I haven’t nuked the world from orbit. Just to be sure, you know?

My new job is going well, though. My bosses and I are getting used to each other and I’m finding it very enjoyable to be raising my company’s profile via social media and blogging. I’m also learning new things every day about an area of life I had little interest in before now (getting paid to be interested in something is quite an encouragement to develop said interest toute de suite) as well as blogging about things that interested me anyway. It’s win-win. I’d love to get back into the industry I was in, though, but I’m not too fussed about it at the moment.

Some people have asked me what happened with going to law school. I’ll give you a quick answer that I’ll expound upon later. Short answer: it’s too expensive and too many lawyers can’t find work in law at the moment due to the economy sucking a big egg. So, I’ve decided to stay in the market working and save up my money for a degree in science (provided I can master the math). Later in life, if I decide I want to get a law degree and I have sufficient money to do so without having to choose between eating and school, then sure, I might get one then. Not to become a lawyer but simply because law, like physics, is something I’ve always been somewhat interested in.

And now, I’m going to sleep while I can still see well enough to get back to my room.

Latest Update Posted

Latest Update Posted

I’ve just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW RP forum. This week’s update takes the characters through the end of the Hour of Twilight 5-man dungeon.

Work continues on Midnight of Lanar’ya. And, really, I’ve got my hands full with plenty of other things that are in the “to be announced” column. So, I’ll be getting back to them now. 🙂

Latest Update Posted

Latest Update Posted

I’ve just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW RP forum. This week’s update is pretty short because the next scenes are very, very long.

Work continues on Midnight of Lanar’ya. I had to take a break from that project for a few minutes to get Alayne’s Story posted. So now, back to work!



Twilight of Lanar’ya is now on sale in paperback (CreateSpace and Amazon) and eBook (Smashwords and Amazon).

Yeah, remember when I said I was going to have to start writing Midnight of Lanar’ya all over again?

I lied. Or rather, I was mistaken. I let the draft sit for a week while my mind wandered on to other things — namely trying to create a 14-character runic alphabet where the last seven symbols are mirrors of the first seven — and, lo and behold, I figured out the problem in the draft. I also figured out that the easiest way to fix the problem is not to start over but to finish the blasted thing already and then hammer out a few things in revision.

You people have no idea how happy this makes me. Really, you don’t. Having this realization hit you is like having great sex while being buzzed and finding out that your proposal for a city on Luna has not only been approved but has been built and NASA wants to fly you there for the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

…don’t judge me.

So, I’m back on track with Midnight of Lanar’ya and no longer wanting to beat my head against the wall over it. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some writing to get done!

Special props should probably go out to Eric Calderone whose rendition of “Back to the Future Meets Metal” was playing in the background and triggered the neuron firing that eventually led to the realization that I don’t have to start the draft over again from scratch. Thanks man. You’re awesome. Love the Mr. Trololo tribute.

Twilight of Lanar’ya is now on sale in paperback (CreateSpace and Amazon) and eBook (Smashwords and Amazon).

Latest Update Posted

Latest Update Posted

I’ve just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW RP forum. This week’s update takes the characters through the first encounter in the Hour of Twilight dungeon.

I’ve just begun re-re-re-revising the outline to Midnight of Lanar’ya. Again. This time I was about 90% through with it and I’m going to have to do a lot of rewriting and reworking it. So, I’m a little frazzled and bummed out over that. However, I’m hoping to finish the thing soon so I can get it rolled out the door. But for now, I have to head to work.

Quiet Heroes, all

Quiet Heroes, all

I’ve been to the shores of Omaha beach in Normandy. It’s a serene, quiet place where the waves of the Channel lap against the sand. The rocky hills slope gently there and are covered with green grass. In June, it’s an idyllic spot — far away from the bustle of Paris. The coast is cool and refreshing compared to the rest of France.

I’ve been to Caen. It’s grown in size but it’s still a quiet, rustic village in Normandy. The homes have small, rocky walls encircling the gardens that are every Frenchwoman’s pride. Children run up and down the sidewalks. People go to and fro on their errands, carrying bags or dragging caddies in their wake.

I’ve been to Paris. It’s a gem of a city filled with architecture that spans the eras from the Pax Romana to the neo-modern. I’ve walked the bridge from the Eiffel Tower, over the Seine. I’ve visited Notre Dame de Paris — I was married in Notre Dame de Champs just a brisk walk away. I’ve seen the Tullieries and the Jardin du Luxembourg. I used to read over by the Fountaine de Medicis next to the Sénat and feed the ducks and fish that make that fountain their home.

I’ve lived in France. It’s a beautiful country filled with wonderful people. Some of my best friends are still there and, though I’ve returned to my native land, part of me will always be in France. But, my ten years in France were made possible by my grandfather’s trip there back in 1944. He came across the Channel in the afternoon, when the worst of the fighting was over. He was part of the Big Red One and would be with them as they pushed to liberate Paris and then on to Berlin. My grandfather never really talked about his time in the Army and, to be honest, I never really asked him about it. He passed away when I was 10 years old so the subject never really came up. But he and countless other men stormed those beaches that I saw. The white sand and green grass must have been covered with blood and gore from the earlier waves of attacks. The ground was probably chewed up and muddy from the fighting. I doubt that my grandfather ever saw the beautiful country that his fighting made possible — once the war was over, he returned to his life back in the US. Just like the countless other soldiers, he set aside the nightmares he must have seen, went back to work, raised his children, and lived his life.

We call them the “Greatest Generation” not just because of the war they fought — we call them great because, once that war was over, they returned home, took off their Army uniforms, and went back to work.

Quiet heroes, all.

G.K. Masterson

Starting Over…Again

Starting Over...Again

Twilight of Lanar’ya is now on sale in paperback (CreateSpace and Amazon) and eBook (Smashwords and Amazon).

I’ve spent the past several weeks bashing my head against a wall with Midnight of Lanar’ya. I have three major arcs that make up the majority of the story line. However, one of them just is not working out. I’ve tried to rebuild and revise it but the more I tinker, the worse the draft gets. So, last night whilst riding in the truck on the way back from Pennsylvania, I reached the conclusion that I would have to start again fresh.

Over the next few days, I’ll be redoing the outline and rethinking the events I want to happen in the novel. I’ll also be issuing a new edition of Twilight of Lanar’ya that has a few typos corrected and a few formatting problems fixed that slipped past me in the first edition. Also, if you’ve purchased Twilight of Lanar’ya and are interested in getting a preview of Midnight of Lanar’ya, drop me a line over on my contact page.

And now, back to work on revising the outline, finishing up another project, and getting ready to merge my websites together since I’m getting sick of maintaining two separate sites.

Twilight of Lanar’ya is now on sale in paperback (CreateSpace and Amazon) and eBook (Smashwords and Amazon).