I’ve just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW-Europe RP forums. Our characters are still being held in durance vile among the Scourge.
And now, to go figure out what happened to the top on the site.
Oy. Fuckin’. Vey.
The doctor gave me the week off of work so I could relax and let the nice strong medication (Lexomil) he’s put me on take effect.
At least, that was the plan. Reality, however, likes to kick my ass on a regular basis.
There was a situation in my old guild (Stormcrows) that led to a rather large, messy blow-up on Wednesday. There were some things I did to contribute to this situation — namely not taking the two people at the heart of it aside and shaking some sense into them months ago. In my defense, the reason I didn’t do that is because 1) I wanted to stay in the guild and felt that doing that would just get me a nice /gkick and 2) I feared it would cause an explosion (which, in the end, it did).
Critic (Tau’re) inadvertently triggered said explosion by taking one of the parties aside on Monday and talking with them about the situation and asking what could be done to help resolve it. The other party decided to turn around on Tuesday (after Crit, I, and most of the others thought it was resolved and all was on the way towards being cool again) and shout at all of us, accuse us of shutting the two parties out of the guild, gossiping behind their backs, etc, etc etc.
Take two people who don’t say “hi” to anyone for going on six months now. Add a lot of other people wondering if they have done something to make those two angry. Add general confusion as to whether those two people care about the rest of the group. Mix in the officers spending months smoothing things over, explaining that the two are a couple and just want time together and do care…all the while the two do their damnedest to show that they don’t…blend in a person who is on the verge of a nervous fucking breakdown, is ordered home from work because of non-stop panic attacks, is getting ready to announce some world-shattering, life-altering news to various parties who are fragile after a tragic loss that’s left a gaping wound that will never fucking heal, who is having trouble at work, and is just, in general, under the kind of pressure of which diamonds are born. Know what you get?
You get a fuckin’ shitstorm. That’s what.
So, I left Stormcrows and decided to make a go of my joke guild Causes Without Rebels. Before the sun had set Wednesday, I think something like 80% of the Stormcrows had come over to my guild. I spent all day Wednesday setting up the guild site, getting the ranks organized, getting the guild tabard and bank done, and just generally getting it set up.
I’m still amazed that this happened. It totally didn’t have to happen this way. If either of those two had been willing to even acknowledge their role in this clusterfuck, we could have resolved things. Instead, they want to paint themselves as innocent victims instead of seeing that by spending no time with the others for months on end, they created the perception that they didn’t care and that they could not be approached. Maybe there were things that the rest of us could have done to make it better (I’d love to hear specifics on this one!) but we weren’t the ones who forced them to segregate themselves. We didn’t force that dynamic to happen. We did our best to keep things running smoothly even with it going on and, in the end, when we reached out for the final time to ask “can you at least just say “hi” to us once in a blue moon?” we get shouted at.
One of the two made a remark to me that is completely apropos. She said “this is just like being back in school.”
Damned straight. It’s just like being back in high school were the two “cool kids” can’t be bothered to say “hi” to us poor scrubs. Only this time, the scrubs don’t have to keep taking it.
Of those two parties, one of them can go fuck herself. I never, ever want to hear from or of her again. She could win the lottery and I wouldn’t be cheered. She could keel over dead in the street in front of me and I’d just be careful not to step on the corpse. But the other…the other one…the one I thought was one of my closest friends…the one I thought of as a brother…the one I trusted (and I trust damned few people on this planet!)…if he ever decides I’m good enough to speak with again, well, he knows how to reach me. My hand is out to him. All he’ll ever have to do is take it.
There. Glad to get that off my chest. I’ll be going back to the doctor tomorrow to evaluate how well the medication is working and whether or not he thinks I’m stable enough to handle returning to work full time. In the mean time…I have a guild full of my friends I’m going to go hang out with.
— G
Latest Update Posted
I’ve just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW-Europe RP forum. It’s a little short because I’ve been under the weather recently.
And by “under the weather” I mean suffering from constant panic attacks.
I’ve got a lot going on in my life right now. A lot of stress and a lot of things I have no control over even though they impact me quite a bit. Starting last Tuesday, I’ve begun having constant panic attacks and have been unable to sleep much due to them. I’m on my way to the doctor now to try to get them sorted. Hopefully, this won’t affect my scheduling on Alayne’s Story but it has thrown everything else I’ve been working on to the winds until I can manage to stay calm long enough to get much done.
Latest Update Posted
I’ve just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW-Europe RP forum. We’re starting to get into the parts that lead to the Final Showdown. 🙂
And now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a nice long weekend which I intend to enjoy.
Latest Update Posted
I’ve just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW-Europe RP forum. This week’s update puts us about midway through the arc that will end with the beginning of the last part of the story for Part III.
Now, if only I could manufacture more time for writing, I’d be done with this already. >< Work has been an absolute nightmare the past few weeks. And, speaking of that, I need to get back to it. Work work work...
Latest Update Posted
I’ve just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW-Europe RP forum. This week is a continuation of the events begun last week. The Scarlet Harbor arc is one of the last (I promise) arcs before the events that culminate in the storming of Icecrown Citadel.
I’m working a lot to get this finished before Cataclysm comes out so I’ll have plenty of time to edit and rewrite parts of it that are still pretty rough.
And now, back to work.
Latest Update Posted
I’ve just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW-Europe RP forums. This week’s update leads the characters into Jotunheim and begins what I promise is the last arc you’ll ever see of Alayne’s internal development.
I’d actually had a long argument with myself over how to do this with her. Alayne’s an…interesting character. If she were a real person, she’d probably be institutionalized with PTSD, depression, and multiple personality disorder. That’s part of the thrill of writing her story. She’s been through a lot of trauma and has never stopped to allow herself to process it. It’s something that the others have noticed in passing but, as there are hardly schools of psychology in Azeroth, they don’t know the right way to handle this. So, where she would be laying on a couch once a week talking with a shrink in our world, in the world of Warcraft, she’s got to resolve these things through other methods…
…and, this time, those “other methods” are going to cause her problems. No, I’m not going to spoil it for you. Let’s just say that there’s a reason for this to happen and you’ll find it out as you read along in later updates.
And now, back to work!
Latest Update Posted
I’ve just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW-Europe RP forum. This week’s update takes us the rest of the way through the Trial of the Crusader event and starts the next of three arcs which will put us in Icecrown Citadel.
In related news, this week’s update is a little shorter than normal. Why? Because I had to scrap the last seventeen pages I had done over the past two weeks. Now, granted, in my writing, I’m writing 20 – 30 pages ahead of what I post. Each week, I post between 4 – 7 pages on average. But, having to scrap 17 pages cuts into my buffer a good bit.
Luckily, the new tact I took enabled me to crank out 5 pages in 3 days. I’m hoping to maintain that level of momentum for a while but it’s going to be tricky. Especially considering that work is getting downright insane lately.
And, speaking of that, I ought to get back to work.
Latest Update Posted
…and, sometimes, I hate my job. But more on that later.
Anyhow: I’ve just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW-Europe RP forum. This week’s update takes us mid-way through the Trial of the Crusader raid event.
And now, back to work. Hopefully the next few weeks will not be as absolutely insane as the past month has been and I’ll actually have time to work more on my stories. ><
Latest Update Posted
I’ve just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW-Europe RP forums. This week begins the Trial of the Crusader arc, putting us about a quarter of the way into the Icecrown arc, the final arc of Part III.
And now, back to work. 🙂