A little bit, at least.
That’s right. I’m already 90% with the update for Alayne’s Story this week. That means that once I finish the last page (should finish sometime tomorrow), I can spend the rest of my writing time this week on The Unexiled.
That’s actually a pretty big relief for me. I always feel so guilty when I start working on The Unexiled before I’ve finished Alayne’s Story for the week. It’s stupid, I know, but I feel like I’m letting people down by not getting an update ready for them.
But, at least this week that won’t be a problem.
The Unexiled Out
I’ve just sent out the second edition of The Unexiled to those who were interested. If you’re interested in getting on the list, drop me an email at alayne@magisters-terrace.com. Keep in mind I am looking for critical readers who can help me improve my writing, not just kudos. 😉 (Not that kudos are unappreciated. They are very appreciated).
The Unexiled goes out every other Friday. So, the next edition will go out to the mailing list on October 9 and will hopefully be a bit longer in additional content than edition 2 was.
Latest Update Posted
…and The Unexiled will go out late tonight.
This week’s update to Alayne’s Story is shorter than normal because the scene following what was posted is very long. I decided to opt for a four-page update instead of a ten-page one.
Must. Do. Better.
Sorry for the silence. I’ve been busy with writing and reading. And, last week, we had a team meeting at a location well away from the office that lasted two days. Two days where I got nothing done because by the time I got home, my bed was calling me loudly.
I guess I’m doing better lately, though. I’ve felt weird and kind of craptastic but I’ve been going to church again and getting back into my personal faith (I’m an Orthodox Christian). I’ve found that it’s helping a lot with dealing with my brother’s death and it’s also helping me with developing more discipline in my writing.
At any rate, even though I’ve gotten better about scheduling my time, I’m worried that this week’s version of The Unexiled won’t be much bigger than the first round was. I’m having some trouble with a particular series of scenes and I keep having to rework them. I had a bit of inspiration during my lunch break today, though, and managed to blast out a scene I really liked during some dead time at the end of the day.
Well, that’s really it for the update department. I’ll try to get better about posting here more often.
Latest Update Posted
I’ve just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW-Europe RP forums. This week begins laying some of the groundwork for what will lead up to Ulduar.
This bit may get muddled. I was in the process of editing parts of it before my brother died. Since then, I’ve just not had the energy to re-read and rework things. So, if things seem repetitve, bear with me.
The first round of The Unexiled will go out tonight either before or after my guild’s ToC raid. It’s going to depend on me being able to get the damned thing converted to .pdf.
I am a good blogger
Actually, I’m not. But, I’m going to try to be better.
So, I’ve been doing some thinking and, after spending two months being completely dissatisfied with where I wound up in The Unexiled I’ve scrapped it and started over.
From the beginning.
For the fourth time.
I’ve reworked my outline a bit, reconsidered the culture I had developed for some of the major groupings, tweaked the world history, and sat down a lot, staring at the ground, talking to myself, and I think I’ve worked out the problems I kept encountering. I know the large framework I want to write but it was the details that kept trapping me. However, I am cautiously confident that draft four will be the final draft.
Of course, draft four is currently all of six pages long.
Sometimes I wonder about my own sanity.
At any rate, I’ve also decided to hold myself to a schedule on it like I do for Alayne’s Story. So, starting this Friday, I will email out whatever I have to anyone interested in reading it. I’ll have to find a .doc to .pdf converter but I will start emailing it out every two weeks. This means that I will no longer be doing more than five pages on Alayne’s Story each week, though. Please don’t get upset about that. I’ll explain:
It comes down to an issue of time. There are 24 hours in a day. On average, I’m at work for twelve of those (but I have a two hour lunch break because my boss is awesome). I sleep about six to eight of those. I play WoW for about two of those. My commute to and from work is about one hour each way. So…
10 hours working
7 hours sleeping
2 hours commuting
+ 2 hours for WoW
21 hours I can’t write
Now, admittedly math is not my strong point but 24 – 21 = 3 hours of free time per day. I could cut out WoW entirely (and piss of my guild and a lot of my friends) for a total of five hours but then how do I keep on top of the material I need for Alayne’s Story? I mean, I could skimp like I did for a lot of the Burning Crusade raids but I’ve found that I can give a better description of the encounters and the motivations for participating in them if I have, you know, actually run the encounters a few times.
Now, in the three hours I have per day to write, I can generally get about five pages of material written. That means about two pages per story. On weekends, I can do more but on weekends, I like to do things like play WoW more, read, relax, go to this place called “Outside” where there are crazy things like a big burning ball in the sky and white puffy things. Oh, there are trees and plants (but you’re not allowed to gather them for Alchemy) and animals (but you don’t get experience for killing them and the loot sucks. Plus people get mad at you if you attack them. Not sure why…). I know, it’s a mad-house.
So, since I have to work for a living because my bills won’t pay themselves and far too many people don’t believe in doing something and getting nothing but my eternal gratitude in return, I have to prioritize things. I do actually want to finish The Unexiled before hell freezes over. That means I’ll have to slow down on Alayne’s Story a bit. I will also be cutting back how much I play WoW some but I’m not going to stop entirely.
I know some writers can sit down and crank out ten pages in an hour. I applaud them. I envy them. I ain’t one of them. So, I just need everyone to be patient, to understand that I’ve got to schedule my time better, and that, while you won’t be getting everything you want, you’ll be getting an update every week (every two weeks for The Unexiled). That’s the best I can do.
And now, back to work. My boss has this crazy idea that I’m actually supposed to work instead of goofing off. Silly man.
Latest Update Posted
One of these days, I’m going to get better about posting regularly. Until then, you’ll have to put up with only seeing a few things a week from me.
I have just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW-Europe RP forum. This week’s update introduces Brann Bronzebeard and begins to put names to some of the places the characters have heard rumors of. Yes, this kicks off the very lengthy Ulduar storyline.
Latest Update Posted
I’ve just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW-Europe RP forums. Ordinarily, I’d have thought of a snappy teaser intro to put here but right now, all I can think is “how much longer until I can go back to sleep?”
I have been so exhausted for the past couple of days that I think a coma is in order to get my energy level back up above “zombie” in the evenings.
I’ve been back at work for a week now. I have my good days and my bad but even on better days, I find myself so damned tired by the time I get home that I can barely lift my feet off the ground to walk into the apartment. I haven’t fallen asleep on the bus (yet) but that’s only because I keep my music blasting fairly hard and generally drink a Coke in the afternoon before I leave the office.
It’s the having to “be myself” at work that I was before my brother died that’s draining me so much right now. It didn’t used to take this much energy to be witty, sarcastic, silly, and still pretty damned competent and efficient at my job in the past. That’s always been so easy that I still had plenty of energy left over for raiding or running dungeons in the evenings. Now I’m lucky if I can string together a coherent paragraph in Alayne’s Story after work. I hear my own voice over Ventrilo and I know I sound “off” at home but damned if I can find the energy to inject any kind of emotion in my voice other than the “Jesus Christ I’m tired and I want to go to bed” feeling.
And no, I’m not whining and saying that you guys won’t get an update. You’ll get one this week. And every week after that for the foreseeable future. I’m just so frickin’ tired, though, and I don’t really have any other place to whine about it than here.
Right, enough of that. Bed and then back to the grind tomorrow.
Latest Update Posted
I’ve just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over at the WoW-Europe RP forums. This week’s update starts the ramp up to figuring out what’s going on in Ulduar and what it has to do with Silithus and other points of interest.
I’m really looking forward to BlizzCon so I can see if there’s going to be another expansion to WoW and, if so, what the storyline might be like. I’m having trouble focusing on my writing lately (gee, wonder why that would be) and maybe if I can see something cool coming down the road, I can find the enthusiasm to work on this more. Right now, all I really want to do is raid until I fall asleep at the computer as long as my group doesn’t make me want to strangle them with their own entrails.