This serial work follows the lives of a group of New Orleans detectives as they investigate crimes in the Big Easy. Join these misfit and frequently misunderstood investigators as they struggle with the criminal element of their city and the morass of bureaucracy that threatens to pull the plug on their division. If you like mystery, intrigue, and that little bit of zest that comes courtesy of a pinch of Cajun spice, then this serial is one you’ll want to keep coming back to.
This serial work follows the lives of a group of New Orleans detectives as they investigate crimes in the Big Easy. Join these misfit and frequently misunderstood investigators as they struggle with the criminal element of their city and the morass of bureaucracy that threatens to pull the plug on their division. If you like mystery, intrigue, and that little bit of zest that comes courtesy of a pinch of Cajun spice, then this serial is one you’ll want to keep coming back to.